Comparing Tallow Skin Care to Traditional Skin Care

  • Plant Oils vs. Animal Fats

Some of the most prominent ingredients you will see in common moisturizers and cosmetics are plant oils. Some examples are safflower oil. rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, walnut oil, almond oil, grapeseed oil, and more. There are so many issues with these oils that we will barely scrape the surface here. These oils have high proportions of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) that have two or more carbon-carbon double bonds on the lipid chain. These double bonds facilitate the formation of toxic breakdown products called aldehydes that cause severe inflammation on the skin. Furthermore, these PUFA oils are mass produced using other toxic chemicals and industrial processing methods.

On the other hand, grass fed beef tallow comes directly off the cow and gets rendered at a low temperature into a readily usable product. Tallow mainly consists of saturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids which have zero or one carbon-carbon double bonds, respectively. They do not produce the same toxic breakdown products as PUFAs.

  • Natural Vitamin A vs. Synthetic Retinol Vitamin A

Vitamin A has become the flagship nutrient of the skin care industry being thoughted as having anti-aging effects. It has subsequently been synthetically mass produced. These developments have not come without consequences, however. Retinol serums found in the mainstream skin care industry use retinol that has been isolated from its natural biological matrix and inserted into a slurry of 15+ other synthetic ingredients that hurt your skin more than it helps. On the contrary, vitamin A in tallow is undisturbed from its natural state resulting in optimal bioavailability.

  • Outrageous Prices for Inferior Products

We firmly believe that dropping your skincare routine and switching to Tallow Cure will save you big money in the long term. A 1 oz tube of retinol serum can cost as much as $100 or more, meanwhile you can get our value pack that has 24oz of material for the same price.


Why Tallow Cure is the Best Tallow Product


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