Why Tallow Cure is the Best Tallow Product

  • Preservative Free Guaranteed

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) are two common additives used in food and cosmetic products that contain lipids in order to prevent them from going rancid. There are numerous studies demonstrating adverse effects of these ingredients. If you come across any tallow product that cannot guarantee the absence of these chemicals, you should not buy it.

  • Beware of “Whipped” Tallow Products

Whipped tallows are popular on the market because of the fluffy texture. However, we choose to not offer a whipped tallow product for several reasons. The first is that the agitation process used to make whipped tallow creates air pockets that allow for the growth of mold. If a whipped tallow is not stored in perfect conditions at all times mold can grow very easily. The second reason is that whipping the tallow decreases its density. This allows the manufacturer to skimp the customer on how much product they receive while creating a false image of luxury.

  • Grass Fed vs Grain Fed Tallow

Tallow from grass fed cattle is superior to tallow from grain fed cattle. Grass fed tallow has a much more favorable lipid profile than grain fed tallow and you should always opt for grass fed when it comes to skin application. Grass fed tallow is higher in stearic acid, lower in linoleic acid, and has a more favorable ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids. Furthermore, grass fed tallow is more vitamin dense than grain fed tallow. The diet of a grass fed cow is richer in carotenoids (precursor to vitamin A), and alpha-tocopherol (a form of vitamin E), when compared to the diet of a grain fed cow. The term “grass fed” in not regulated in any capacity so it is important to verify these markers for any product you are interested in.

  • Extra Ingredients in Other Tallow Products

Other tallow companies have a tendency to add so many ingredients to their products, to which we ask the question: WHY? Grass fed beef tallow is truly one of nature’s perfect compositions. Olive oil, aloe vera, shea butter, essential oils, lecithin, frankincense, just to name a few of the extraneous ingredients we have seen in some other products. There is no reason to dilute the value that grass fed beef tallow brings to your skin. We keep our formulas simple, allowing us to pay meticulous attention to the quality of our products.

  • Prices That Don’t Break the Bank

If you have browsed other tallow products you know that they can get pricey. Some of these products are as much as $15-$20 per oz while Tallow Cure tops out at $40 for a hefty 8 oz package. Tallow Cure prides itself on having the best prices on the market per unit volume, with even better value available if you order a 3 pack from our store. We want our products to be accessible for everyone.


Comparing Tallow Skin Care to Traditional Skin Care